How a CRM can help

Many businesses understand the concept of a CRM, but few truly know how to use it. Systems such as Salesforce unlock a huge amount of potential, but many of their customers don’t use them to their full potential. Tailored and personalised systems offer outstanding value for your business, but these can be expensive.

The expense comes in upfront cost, ongoing subscriptions and sometimes in the training of staff and system implementation.

A good CRM system will be worth the money. In short, they help you maintain good personal

relationships with each of your clients even as you grow. Sales people can instantly see the entire sales history – they can find out what people want and what products they are likely to buy. It helps them improve their customer service, keeps people coming back time and time again, and also generates more leads.

They also make each deal quicker and simpler, by placing all the information in one single place. Smaller teams can do the work of many more people, which helps small and medium sized businesses match the performance of their larger counterparts.

Return on investment, then, comes from improved relationships, higher retention rates, more sales and improved productivity for everyone in your team. At IQ Finance, we help you get over the initial hurdle of that cost. We can work closely with you to assess your needs and find a way to make it more affordable.

A CRM is reported to help achieve

sales productivity increase
sales increase
forecast accuracy increase

Talk to us today about your CRM project and find out how we can help manage the costs, from software licensing to HR.

Get your instant quote today or call us on 0800 412 5562

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